If forty million people say a foolish thing it does not become a wise one, but the wise man is foolish to give them the lie.
-- W. Somerset MaughamToday, again, I realized the truth of this quote. People seem to have this weird tendency to accept something as true merely because “everybody” believes so. Beats me totally.
Say, in a room full of ten people, nine agree and one feels differently -- does that in any way prove that those nine are right? But funnily, as I said, that appears to be the general opinion. And I cringe at the danger of this logic.
Where a number of people hold a false idea, there it is even more essential that the truth come to light, and there it is that one finds it most difficult because of this skewed logic. One who thinks independently and rationally, and dares to defy the majority, is ridiculed, dismissed, and made to shut up – let alone given a fair hearing. Wouldn’t you call him a fool?
posted by Sylvia D'souza at 11:15 pm
These days those lines learnt in school seem to have acquired special meaning –
What is life if full of care
We have no time to stand and stare
It’s not just me, but everywhere I see, everyone I see... In Mumbai, one just needs to visit the local railway station to see how rushed and pushed we are to get wherever we’re going. Thankfully, I am back to my old, favourite mode of transport – auto-rickshaw! I love the auto-rickshaw. I do feel a little guilty about how it weighs on my purse, but if life can be made a little happier, with this little indulgence, a half hour in a day just to sit and stare without a care…hmm, I feel it’s worth it.
posted by Sylvia D'souza at 11:06 pm