To Be or Not To Be |
A little kingdom I possess, Where thoughts and feelings dwell; And very hard the task I find Of governing it well. ~ Louisa May Alcott ...that more or less describes my situation!
~A Wise Man Said~ It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~ Aristotle
~Follow Me~ @sylverplait
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Sunday, January 31, 2021
For the past many years I had grown
used to relative stability. The fact that nothing very dramatic happened to
pull the carpet under my feet gave me the illusion that I was in a fair bit of
control of my life. Obviously there are many things I haven't been able to
accomplish in spite of wanting to or wishing to—that is natural for any human—but
I mean a general control in that you know what you will be doing next month or
next year and you don't see any reason why things shouldn't go according to
plan. The pandemic and a lot of uncertainty
that has come with the pandemic where earlier assurances don't hold anymore
have made me realise just how precarious and unstable the conditions of life
really are. It has made me realise that I have only been lucky the past
many years to not have encountered any dramatic or life changing event. In
that sense, nothing really was or is in my control. I am only in control
to the extent that the conditions are stable or unchanging but anything can
happen any moment to change them. This realisation makes me feel as if I
haven't appreciated just how fortunate I have been in some ways. Yes, your
intelligence, strategies, plans, determination, hard work all count... but they
can be turned into dust in the blink of an eye. I guess there is nothing we can do about the things we can't control but this profound sense of how insignificant our efforts can be rendered by the universe brings with it humility and gratitude. If I or anyone achieves or does not achieve something it is also to a great extent because it was made (im)possible by conditions that we neither could control nor effect in our favour/disfavour. Wednesday, January 20, 2021
I wanted to say
something on my birthday as I usually do but nothing sums up my nostalgic mood
quite so well as this poem… not in relation to any person but in general…
strangely I remember writing a verse with the same key line ‘I/We have been
here before’ but I don’t remember reading this poem before… Sudden Light By Dante Gabriel
Rossetti I have been here before, But when or how I
cannot tell: I know the grass
beyond the door, The sweet keen smell, The sighing sound, the
lights around the shore. You have been mine
before,— How long ago I may not
know: But just when at that
swallow's soar Your neck turn'd so, Some veil did fall,—I
knew it all of yore. Has this been thus
before? And shall not thus
time's eddying flight Still with our lives
our love restore In death's despite, And day and night yield one delight once more? Monday, January 18, 2021
Excerpts from The
Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery [1] “No,” said the little
prince. “I am looking for friends. What does that mean– ‘tame’?” “It is an act too
often neglected,” said the fox. It means to establish ties.” “ ‘To establish
ties’?” “Just that,” said the
fox. “To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a
hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your
part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred
thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me,
you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the
world...” “I am beginning to
understand,” said the little prince. “There is a flower...I think that she has
tamed me...” [2] “But he came
back to his idea. “My life is very
monotonous,” the fox said. “I hunt chickens; men hunt me. All the chickens are
just alike, and all the men are just alike. And, in consequence, I am a little
bored. But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. I
shall know the sound of a step that will be different from all the others. Other
steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me, like
music, out of my burrow. And then look: you see
the grain-fields down yonder? I do not eat bread. Wheat is of no use to me. The
wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that
is the colour of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me!
The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I
shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat...” The fox gazed at the
little prince, for a long time. “Please– tame me!” he said.” ……………………………………………. A friend gave me this book and it is one of those rare things, simple and profound at the same time. This particular excerpt for instance. I would never have thought of the word ‘tame’ in this way but if you think about it when you develop a ‘bond’ with someone it is as if you become ‘tame’, ‘helpless’, ‘powerless’… they have power over you and you are tame at their hands, and maybe the tamed also have power over their captor because just as you believe you are tame, they might believe they are tame when it comes to you! They are no longer one among many to you and you are no longer one among many to them. There is pleasure in being tamed as there is pleasure in the sensation of life that it creates in you… the light that it lights up in you… where otherwise there would be a dull dark space. Saturday, January 16, 2021
You know when you have
one of those days when the universe doesn't seem to be just telling you
something but shaking you violently and making you listen? Well, today was one
of those days. In the first instance
I realised that I had put myself into a position—yes, I myself had put myself
into this position, unknowingly of course—where any random person who was
neither my better nor even equal nor whom I was paid to report to could boss me
around! I have an utter dislike of being bossed around (which is ironic because
some could say I tend to boss around, but that's beside the point here) and
even my bosses, thank God for them, have never bossed me around. I realised
random people were now in a position to think they could boss me around and I
couldn't do a thing about it. The fact that the person is not someone I should
even give the time of the day to normally should be able to do this made me
bristle. In the second instance
something of the same kind happened. Something even my boss wouldn't do in a
million years a random person was able to inflict on me, and what is more, I
had to bear this imposition calmly. The fact that apart from not being my boss
or better what they did was in itself extremely unfair and based on an
evaluation that was contradictory to everything I had stood for till that
moment, was a double shock. And to think that I had in a way transferred power
to them who could not only inflict such decisions or actions on me in cold
blood but whose decisions or actions could affect me to this degree made me
bristle again. I decided not to act spontaneously or impulsively even though I was bristling to the tips of my fingers apart from the fact that I hadn’t recovered fully from the shock. I decided to do what I always do—make a plan. The one thing that I cannot allow is for random people to think they can boss me around, and the second thing is, I cannot allow random people to disturb my emotional equilibrium. They have not earned it. So yes, the universe is telling me something. I am listening. Wednesday, January 13, 2021
I have alluded to this
humour group on FB that I am "admining" these days. It's leading me
to reflect quite a bit on humour, tastes, audience perception and response, and
more stuff like that. I was trying to boil
this whole "What is humour?" question down to an analytical rule, as
I tend to do. Not everyone finds the same thing equally funny or even funny;
not just that, what I find offensive might be funny to someone else, what someone
finds funny might just be "cute" but not funny to me. Humour seems to
be as complex a thing to pin down as any other aspect of human emotion or
experience. Which made me approach
this question from my own perspective, as that's the only perspective I can
analyse from the inside so to speak. I cannot speak for what is humour in
general or what people find humourous but I should have a clue as to what I
consider humour and why I find one thing funny and another thing not so much.
The fact that I am largely internally coherent and consistent as a person and
not random or unpredictable in matters of taste perhaps makes me a good subject
;) So this is what I came
up with: 1. Something needs to speak to my mind or make me think for me to find
it funny; the more it speaks to my mind (say sarcasm, irony, word play, etc.)
the more I will find it funny. 2. Something needs to speak to my heart for me
to find it cute/sweet but not funny (certain cat photos/videos for example).
I'll smile weakly but not laugh at this sort of stuff. 3. Something that has no
mind in it I will find stupid and not funny. This is the opposite of number 1
(example may be someone falling on banana skin). 4. Something that has no heart
in at all I will find vulgar/offensive. This is the opposite of number 2
(example might be making a joke at the expense of a disabled person). 5. There
are some varieties of humour that combine 1 and 2, that is, head and heart in
good measure. These top my list. 6. There are some varieties of pathetic
attempts at humour that combine 3 and 4, that is, they are stupid as well as
offensive. These are at the bottom of my list. Interesting, isn’t it?! Friday, January 01, 2021
A good friend made
this remark in a conversation about a rather insignificant but trying situation
saying that she was surprised I had lasted so long. Not only had I lasted long
I did not intend to quit. That made me think. Looking back at my life I have to
say that "lasting" or "staying power" is one of the things
that have defined its trajectory. And funnily, I owe the best things and the
worst things in my life to the same staying power. I think the best are mostly
professionally related and worst are relationships related. Professionally this
staying power or single-minded determination or perseverance or standing
against the odds has borne immense fruit ultimately. If nothing else it led to
personal growth and learning that I could deploy eventually. It also sort of
made me more oriented to staying strong while the winds blow hard because I
knew it would pass... and I learnt that the first rule of winning is showing up
or put in my way, staying or sticking around. Unfortunately when it comes to
people and relationships I feel this logic doesn't work because they are not
necessarily build around the same principles of integrity and long-term view
that I operate with... It seems to me that in this domain it's perhaps best to
cut your losses sooner than later though it's not my natural way so I am at a
grave disadvantage. I had an interesting
thought putting the staying power and the winning focus ideas together...seeing
as 2021 is a year where I do hope to make some important wins if I stay the
hard course. I have no idea why but this thought actually occurred to me in
something of a dream or half-sleep state. It’s to do with the fairy-tale of
Cinderella (I might not have the details of this story right but they are
irrelevant to my point). Cinderella’s win in the end is attached to the missing
slipper. However, the slipper is not one that will fit anyone else but her no
matter how many try it on and try to sabotage her place. It is something that
is no use for anyone else because it can only fit her and her alone. So
Cinderella doesn't really need to fear because the slipper awaits her and is
meant for her...and is only contingent on her finding a path to it. There is no
competition but only a test… a test that demands her to fulfil her destiny. It
might take all her strength and staying power to reach it and there might be
people who are deluded enough to try to snatch the slipper on the way… but they
cannot really take what is rightfully hers. It can only fit her. Enough of stories for
now ;) Let me wish my dear, wonderful, kind, "staying" readers a very
Happy New Year… with this apt line from Cinderella, “Be kind, have courage and
always believe in a little magic.” |