To Be or Not To Be |
A little kingdom I possess, Where thoughts and feelings dwell; And very hard the task I find Of governing it well. ~ Louisa May Alcott ...that more or less describes my situation!
~A Wise Man Said~ It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~ Aristotle
~Follow Me~ @sylverplait
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Monday, December 26, 2016
Dear lovely Christmas tree
Why do you seem to smile at me
A sad, melancholy smile
Why do you remind me
Ever so subtly
Of all the Christmases gone by
When loved faces
Weren’t so old,
or jagged, or wrinkly,
or worn
Why do you remind me of those Christmases
When needs were little and things were simple
When you, dear Christmas tree,
Looked less glorious
Why do you remind me of all those Christmases
That came and went by
So hurriedly as it now seems
So many moons ago
Soft shiny tears prick me
To think they’re no more
And yet a tiny ray of gladness
I force myself to see
That life no matter how it used to be
Has been not unkind to me
All those small little childhood hands
Are still mine to hold
And some, though old and aged
Are still so dear to behold
And you dear Christmas tree
Though sparkly new and strange to my past
Are a bright witness to many more Christmases
To new memories that I may remember at long last!
(~some musings on Christmas night…) Wednesday, December 14, 2016
I used to wonder why Indians visiting from abroad would be extra polite in
their mannerisms such as saying Thank You or Brilliant or Sorry at every
possible and not possible opportunity. I could have put it down to showing off
one’s new self or something of the kind. Now that I have lived here for 2.5 months
I realise that people tend to say these words a lot and you have no choice but
to imitate them if you do not want to be seen as impolite or rude, and over
time it could well become a habit that you can’t shake off wherever you go. So
if you are in a mall and have barely brushed against someone or maybe just
about not collided with them while moving to get some item of dress, you would
still say sorry and they would say sorry, though exactly what we’re sorry for
is difficult to pin down because we only crossed paths, didn’t even touch each
other much less caused any grievous harm.
Now if you are from India and you have had experience in a public bus or in a market, you know what happens. Random people push you, pinch you, grab you, grope you, fall all over you…and apologies in such situations are the last thing one looks for. We do say our Thank Yous and Sorrys but mostly in elevated company or occasions. Say you received a birthday present from a friend or were congratulated or appreciated by your boss. Such situations come to mind. How many of us thank the communal area cleaner who collects our garbage or the maid who washes our vessels or the waiter who brings over our food? I know that I didn’t, and I never thought about it. But being here, and noticing how people thank people for small acts, not going into whether they genuinely mean the sentiments or not, the very act of thanking someone who does something that you take for granted makes you see things in a different light. Makes you wonder about the cultural difference. Maybe because here people do their own chores be it washing vessels or cooking food they tend to value the labour or effort going into these manual activities more and appreciate it when others do it for them even for a price? Maybe they see the people who do these activities as people and individuals unlike in India where we are used to unseeing them? Where if we were to see misery and poverty in the eye we would not be able to be at peace and carry on with our lives? Where saying a Thank You or a Sorry may also seem fake in the context of how those people are treated overall. I don’t know. A funny incident happened that showed to me that old habits die hard and when you are least aware they can make you act in ways that expose your conditioning. I was invited to a student social which is nothing but snacks and chit chat with other students and as I moved to get some soft drink, possibly I had something on my mind, someone was pouring a drink for the girl ahead of me in the queue, and I extended my glass after her. They started laughing and I suddenly sprung into consciousness realising that this wasn’t India! The guy wasn’t a server and I wasn’t in a queue where there were waiters to pour tea or juice! It was an embarrassing moment indeed!
In other news, I am going to India for a Christmas holiday! Can’t
contain my excitement is all I can say! Wish you all a very Merry Christmas! J
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Academic papers are supposed to be dull affairs, one would think. And
they are for the most part. But, what I have observed is that the papers that
make you sit up and think are the ones that are most ‘literary’ in character,
if you know what I mean. I could read pages and pages of such almost like I
would read fiction, and believe it or not, some of the wit makes me even giggle.
When I was a child, my mom or bro or sis would sometimes get startled by a
laugh or a titter from whichever solitary corner of the house I was reading in
(in Mumbai we don’t have the luxury of a room to ourselves, or at least we didn’t
what with three kids in the house!) and after checking a few times if something
was wrong, they grew used to it. Thankfully, there are no other persons in my
current accommodation to ask me what’s wrong with me because if they saw I was
reading an academic paper, they wouldn’t need any convincing proof of the fact.
Now judge for yourself. Take this paper, “On the Folly of Rewarding A,
While Hoping for B” (I absolutely recommend that you download from here and read it. The opening statement cannot but draw you in:
“Whether dealing with monkeys, rats, or human beings, it is hardly
controversial to state that most organisms seek information concerning what
activities are rewarded, and then seek to do (or at least pretend to do) those
things, often to the virtual exclusion of activities not rewarded.”
Kerr then talks about how rewards are sometimes designed such that they
attract A behaviour when actually one wants to encourage B behaviour. An example
he gives is that of orphanages and here is what he says:
“The orphanage therefore theoretically is interested in placing as many
children as possible in good homes. However, often orphanages surround
themselves with so many rules concerning adoption that it is nearly impossible
to pry a child out of the place. Orphanages may deny adoption unless the
applicants are a married couple, both of the same religion as the child,
without history of emotional or vocational instability, with a specified
minimum income and a private room for the child, etc.”
I couldn’t stifle a giggle at the ‘pry a child out of the place’! I
mean, isn’t that a delicious way of putting it in the given context! JJ
What he is getting at of course is that while one wants to encourage orphanages
to put maximum children into good homes, they are actually rewarded for
something else, for example, the allocated budget or size of staff may depend
on number of children ‘in’ the orphanage. Here is how he concludes the point:
“…to the extent that staff size, total budget, and personal prestige are
valued by the orphanage's executive personnel, it becomes rational for them to
make it difficult for children to be adopted. After all, who wants to be the
director of the smallest orphanage in the state?”
Is not that last statement funny? ;)
And yet on the whole so convincing!
Sunday, October 23, 2016
I have got a lot boiling in my head right now and lest it pour over, I
thought I should make a quick dish with it! ;) It’s been close to three weeks
since I landed in the UK, Lancaster to be precise (read earlier blog for
context :)), and there are times when I feel like in another life I had sort of
prayed for or wished for to be a part of just such a setting… and I have
somehow been transported there! There are moments when I am hit with a “Is this
a dream?” Like yesterday in a class when we were discussing “philosophers” and “objectivity
vs. subjectivity” and “world views” and “what is reality” and “how do we
interpret reality” and “how does our philosophical view influence research”. It
felt like suddenly it was okay to eat chocolates for breakfast or something ;)
What do I say about Lancaster itself? If you’re from Mumbai like me you
might find it quiet and modest but if you are like me you would find it just
the kind of place where you are in communion with yourself. There is plenty of
nature and fresh air, of course, and there is a “city centre” where you can go
off for shopping or eating or whatever else you want to do. But, the best part
is, you don’t have to if you’re living in the humungous and gorgeous campus,
like I am, at least this year. It is, what shall I say? made to feel like a
haven for the intelligent, culture-loving university goer and by extension
anyone who is those things (I hate sounding conceited but to say anything else
would be inaccurate). Ever since I stepped into this campus, I feel surrounded
by communication about learning spaces or study spaces, and actual spaces that
are designed to make me feel comfortable to read and think in my own space! As
if there aren’t dozens and more spaces for one to choose from within the
campus, they also have a space in the city centre that you can go off to, to
read or work on your research! It is a novel thing for me because back home in
India I feel there isn’t enough emphasis on the concept of “space” and how the
very availability or non-availability of “comfort space” could contribute or be
detrimental to your output. And the icing on the cake is perhaps that study is
not the only area where choices are galore… my first week here which was called
“welcome week” for all arriving students, was actually nothing short of a
carnival week! One could choose to go to live music sessions or society fairs
(university students pitching to join their respective societies which ranged
from the usual “music” to the rather quaint “Lego playing” to the bizarre even!)
or ghost story readings in the library over cocoa and cookies (I went for that,
no prizes for guessing!) or take a free bus ride for shopping to the city
centre or a barbecue party or poster art exhibitions in the square…. Yes, Lancaster
is rather quiet as my city-loving flat mate from Egypt insists (and that’s
another delicious character of this place that you could hit at least 5-6
nationalities with a stone’s throw…more about that next!) but I disagree with
her that “It is not alive”… to me life is at its most throbbing intensity when the
mind is continuously stimulated by books and ideas and illuminating conversations
and art!
The cultural diversity is another interesting aspect of life here. I live with people from Ghana, London, Egypt, Bahrain. I was part of a group activity in class today where my group mates were from Russia, Greece, UK, China. I was part of another group activity yesterday with folks from Pakistan and Iran. See what I mean? Crossing with so many cultures adds new horizons to one’s thinking, and to me being in a cultural hot-pot is stimulating too. Add to that trying to learn the ways of the host culture. Back in India, we are used to things being “done” for us be it the cook who comes home to cook, or the maid who does sweeping and swabbing or the communal cleaner who takes away trash. I was of course completely prepared to do my own cooking, which in a way I enjoy too if it doesn’t get in the way of other priorities, but what surprised me was that here flat mates need to carry all the trash to the bins around the campus, appropriately divided for recycling—at first it jolted me a bit because I had never “personally” bothered so much with the entire journey of the trash in my house, but come to think of it, after the event, I felt a certain satisfaction. I felt like the whole recycling theory made so much sense when I actually practised it. And on the subject of sustainability, another thing that took some time for me to wrap my head around, was how “paper” is made to seem as a precious as real money. One gets a certain “amount of credit” in one’s university card and one can print off any machine on the campus, be it the library or in any building whatsoever, by simply swiping one’s card. But whenever you print something, the appropriate amount for that quantity of print (say 5 pennies for a page) gets deducted from your credit. You could of course personally “top up” your card with money if you exhaust the amount you’re allocated… but I noticed that the very act of seeing the money vanish from my card after printing or knowing that the credit would get reduced made me so much more conscious of my printing habits! I am, unfortunately, someone who loves to read on paper and maybe so used to it with so many years of habituated reading off paper, that I just cannot read as effectively on the screen nor can I make as effective notes as I tend to make on the sides of the paper copy. So I guess I will be printing more than most… but the good part is… not as much as I would have earlier. I think this also made me realise what embedding sustainability into business practice meant. I could be conscious of how paper reduction helps the environment but if the systems also embed that thinking or institutionalise it in some way, it could probably have a deeper effect? And yes, thinking of another cultural thing and how can it not be about food! Back home, formal lunches tended to be multi-course affairs; here, they tend to be light sandwiches, chips, and queerly “whole fruits”! I am used to seeing chopped fruits on the dessert stalls but seeing whole fruits like bananas, apples, pears, oranges in a bowl together was quite new to me. I haven’t ventured to take a go at the fruits yet being a bit diffident about exposing my way of monstrous munching, but again I think I like the idea of whole fruits. You don’t end up wasting as much fruit I guess. I also notice not feeling quite so heavy and drowsy after lunchtime so those “wakeup” tactics aren’t quite necessary. Oh, another thing (I mean to finish this para but new things keep popping into the head), the arrangement of tables and chairs in each class aren’t what I am used to seeing in India in a typical class setting, that is, straight lines or long semi circles (unless things have changed). Here, usually, a class includes no more than 20 people and you have say 4-5 circular or rectangular tables with 4-5 chairs around each in a class, almost like a restaurant or wedding reception seating in India. The arrangement is not just a design feature though; it actually follows the teaching principle of getting groups to work amongst themselves. Personally, I am not a fan of group work so guess the Indian method worked for me ;) but the fact is I find myself participating a lot more.
And talking about England, weather can be last but not in the slightest
the least! I was under the impression we were well into winter when I arrived
here and almost laughed that it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. A 10 degree
didn’t feel so cold and most of the time one is indoors one way or the other. I
am a bit worried about the circular that we received yesterday about the change
of time on October 30 and associated winter related injunctions. “Keep yourself
warm by having a warm shower or hot drink before going to bed”, it said in the
end. Not trying to sound grim, are we? :(
I’ll keep bombarding this space as I go along because I am told I need
to keep practising my writing every day even if I am writing rubbish ;) And who
else but you, dear reader, could I impose upon? :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
friend was telling me the other day that we are at a crossroad every instant,
having to make one or the other decision. I don’t know about that but I certainly
believe I am at an important crossroad at this point in time. I have made the
decision and this step in a certain direction is going to permanently alter the
course of my life—for the better or for the worse, only time will tell, and you
dear quiet reader, shall know! :)
Goodbyes are always rather unpleasant to me, and am going to be saying a goodbye to a lot of things this week—when I bid farewell to an employer of almost 12 years. It’s been anything but an easy decision because it means leaving the comfort, familiarity, stability, state of being in control, wholesomeness of knowing your tomorrow will be very much like your today, and more of what I value so much. That my employer also happens to be like a loving and caring and warm parent has only added to the feeling of leaving the homely cocoon and going out there in the cold. I am nervous, anxious, excited, afraid, apprehensive, jubilant, all at the same time. I never thought I would muster the courage to take this rather presumptuous step by my standards and I never thought lady luck would favour me if I did, but I think having taken it, I am sort of redefining who I am. I am redefining my journey from this point on. I don’t know if it will lead me to a better destination than what the current familiar course would have, but I do know that I would never have had the opportunity to meet who I will become if I had stayed the same course. So… without further ado… let me share that I am applying a break on my rather well-established career path and shifting gears to pursue a doctorate at a university in the UK. I am also shifting my track to a different area of specialisation that while I haven’t formally studied or worked in so far, has always been on my mental radar. It has also been a running theme on my blog ever since I started writing it… or probably ever since I started writing at all… the right and wrong, the good or bad, to do or not to do, the to be or not to be… in short, ethics :) I hope to have a lot more to draw on and write as I live in a sea of ideas and arguments… let’s see… now that I am to set sail, I guess I am discovering the mariner in me! ;)
Road Not Taken
roads diverged in a yellow wood,
sorry I could not travel both
be one traveler, long I stood
looked down one as far as I could
where it bent in the undergrowth;
took the other, as just as fair,
having perhaps the better claim,
it was grassy and wanted wear;
as for that the passing there
worn them really about the same,
both that morning equally lay
leaves no step had trodden black.
I kept the first for another day!
knowing how way leads on to way,
doubted if I should ever come back.
shall be telling this with a sigh
ages and ages hence:
roads diverged in a wood, and I—
took the one less traveled by,
that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
Monday, June 13, 2016
I bought this bookmark many years ago. I don’t know how many years now;
I seem to have had it forever. I kept it in the jacket of an important file
where I keep my investment papers and stuff, for no other reason than that it’s
easily accessible there. I do not like it so much as a bookmark as for what
happens to be written on it. Somehow the words have a very inspiring quality.
It’s been long since I took it out and when I read it yesterday I felt the full
force of the truth of the words. I guess the reason for that will have to wait
a few months… but until then, here it is…
There are rules to luck, for
to the wise not all is
Try, therefore, to help luck
along. Some are satisfied to
stand politely before the
portals of Fortune and to
her bidding, but better
those who push forward,
and who employ their
enterprise, who on the wings
of their worth and valour
seek to embrace luck and gain
her favour.
Tuesday, March 01, 2016
I am not good at competitions. The things I do best
are those that are done for their own sake. Or maybe I am just plain out of luck
(there I go again!). Recently a friend chided me to not be my own worst enemy
by repeating this thing about luck. Apparently the universe listens
and all that stuff. I do say a lot of positive things that it seems to have trouble
listening to :(
here's a longish verse I had written some time ago when I took it into my head
to enter into some random competition. I generally don't take such things into
my head but I remember making an exception because it was some outfit based in
Mangalore that was running the show. Well, I didn't win. I'm not surprised
because I can't say it's my best output. Then again, maybe it was plain luck!
Rat’s World
“We cannot kill the rat”
I said to my mother, who
Disturbed and distressed,
by the
Constant interruptions
and minor disappearances
Of food and what other
Decided something must
be done.
She first got a rat trap
And trapping one,
released it somewhere afar off
Where it couldn’t
intrude anymore
And despoil her peace of
And then, it seemed
there was more
Because the
interruptions in her affairs did not cease
Pieces of bread were
smuggled out
Just as brazenly as
And the rat trap came
out again
But no rat in it
Maybe this one caught on
to the trick
As a self-respecting
modern rat in a modern world
Learning by dire example
My mother, now out of
her wits’ end
Her shrine, the kitchen,
thus invaded again
And molested daily, by a
silly freak of nature
“I must get the rat”,
she cried!
No, she did not wish to
kill, but what choice is left, she asked
What could be done to
divest of this devil?
So my mother mused, and
Listening to her in this
Thought aloud, “We
cannot kill this rat!”
It is a life, as life is
A soul it has, that
breathes and moves
Surely it feels, as it
hungers and thirsts
In all other bodily
functions, it resembles us
What a burden on our
To snuff out this life—
Like a flame on a candle
A life dies with it, as
one lives in it
No, mother, we cannot kill
this rat
To which my mother, not
unschooled in argument, returns
Yes, it is a life, but
in the scale of evolution
What value does it have?
Everyday hundreds and
thousands of us
Are killed in crashes,
die hanging out of trains
Murdered brutally, die
hungry or in pain
When human life is so
cheap and easily sold,
What matters it, if a
rat dies cold?