To Be or Not To Be

A little kingdom I possess,
Where thoughts and feelings dwell;
And very hard the task I find
Of governing it well.
~ Louisa May Alcott

...that more or less describes my situation!

~A Wise Man Said~

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
~ Aristotle

Friday, December 25, 2020

Dear readers, this Christmas I have no stories of going home, of Dubai, of India, of family, of travel, of different scenes, of sad partings... I am where I am and I am neither happy nor sad...I am sort of at peace...I feel that throughout my childhood and life I have had a tendency to want to hold tightly to people or things...the physical presence or tangibility always seemed very important to me... I am slowly moving into a zone where—maybe it's a sign of maturity? or wisdom?—where just knowing I am loved and the memories I have made seem something to be grateful for... I feel like I don't even need to care if there are reciprocal feelings... because my own heart feels full... of love and blessings... not just of those in my life but those who have left for the heavenly abode as one says... I feel, sitting alone in this house tonight, this Christmas eve... as if they're watching over me... faintly proud, faintly smiling... look, how strong she's become... I feel like I am surrounded by love on all sides and that's more than one can ask for on Christmas... in my younger years I used to see things from a fixed perspective... I now see things with more nuance, I think... I now see people function differently and though it's hard to see things their way sometimes... just the idea that there are many ways makes one realise that... as someone once said... that even if they don't seem to love one the way one would want them to, it doesn't mean they don't love with all they have... I think about some of the things people did and do for me and indeed... if that's not a show of love, I don't know what is... I feel like I must cherish it more for what it is...instead of wanting to box it somehow… and maybe that's something to take into the next year... other than hope... which is a topic for another post!

Don't know why I went into a tangent there, but you, my dear reader, you know you always see more of this more-reflective-than-usual side of me in the Christmas-Birthday months...though this time you might have to bear even more of it what with me being cooped up in myself :)

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

When something gives us a lot of pleasure, why do we start questioning it? Maybe because the things that usually give us pleasure are said to be not good for us…? Like, eating sweet treats or watching the telly all the time. We start perhaps looking at the things that give us pleasure with some suspicion, as if the very fact means that there is something forbidden about it, and therefore must not be indulged. I wonder if there is some religious austerity logic that gets embedded in our brains, that anything that is indulgent, pleasing, and so on must be the devil tempting us. Eve was after all tempted by an apple and look where that got us! Though for the life of me I wouldn't know what's to be tempted by an apple! So, I am telling myself, about quite a harmless activity that I am enjoying terribly, that I must curtail its frequency. I asked myself why and the answer stripped to its bones would be that the fact that I am having so much pleasure out of it means there must be something wrong about it, and as I am not finding anything inherently wrong, I am looking for something to fault in it by stretching its implications. In a way I am invoking a guilt mechanism in advance of the fact so to speak! Makes me also wonder if the things said to one in childhood or the austerities one is put through sort of leave a permanent regulating effect. You can't escape them no matter how much you try.

I spoke to an uncle after a long time today. I was told he was remembering me quite a bit. The fact is being the nostalgic person I am, I remember my childhood scenes and the favourite people in it quite a lot too. I am never one to forget a deeply cherished memory or person. But as I have evolved, the people of my childhood haven't. It's like I cannot relate to them as I did when I was a child and they don't seem to have the mental or emotional apparatus to relate to me. This uncle, every time I speak to him, makes it a point to ask me why I am still my age! When will I stop? And he says it so nonchalantly, innocently, benignly like he is enquiring after my well-being. I have no words to respond to him because he has no malicious intentions nor does he have a clue how this question appears to me. In a way this question doesn't appear to me as anything but ignorant but even so it leaves me dumbfounded and at a loss. Now it might be evident why I don't really feel so much like calling this uncle if you also take into account that I am by nature very resistant to making small talk calls. There is no sensible response I can give to this uncle to this almost certain question because it's not just the view but the entire worldview that's at issue here. And it's a worldview that's too firmly fixed at his age. So I just make some noncommittal noises… I wonder though if he can't even tell that such a question could annoy or hurt me... this complete lack of emotional intelligence seems the most bizarre to me, not the difference in worldview which can be easily attributed to him being a product of a different world...

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Maybe I should be

Much less truthful

Say a little nice lie

Speak a little softer

Tell you not what

I actually think

Make you guess

Hidden links


And maybe you could be

A lot more truthful

Put it like it is

Hit it where it hurts

Dodge not

Nor skirt around

Go for the blow

Aim the spear

Miss not the mark

All plain and clear


Or maybe we two could

Stare a long while

Into the great and hidden depths

Of our souls

Where you will find me

And I you

If only we would look...


~ Me

Monday, December 07, 2020

Staring into the distance

Nobody home

Only silence

Permeates the air

Slightest sounds

Startle me

Then recognising

My strange aloneness

I smile

Nobody home


December this year

Unlike any

No anticipation


No thrill

What shall I buy?

For the little ones

Have I forgotten

To pack something

One week to go

I would have thought

And then I'll be Home

But this time round

All seems bleak

Nobody home


~ Me
Friday, December 04, 2020

What I’m going to say may sound un-empathetic or even arrogant but that’s not where I am coming from at all. I guess seeing things from a fundamentally “thinking” perspective rather than “feeling” (recall my post on MBTI and that I am an INTJ with T being Thinking), makes me see this very differently. I’m referring to a tendency that seems quite dominant in almost every context to coddle mediocrity or make it seem okay to be just okay or mediocre or to make it seem as if expecting more from oneself is almost like punishing oneself or denying oneself “self-care”. This mediocrity is so rampant that if a person makes it quite plain that certain things are just beyond their capacity no matter how much they try, the answer from a “feeling” population will usually be that whatever they are doing is enough and others need to recognise this and not trouble this person—because they are clearly trying their best. The term “impostor syndrome” has lost all meaning because everyone is suffering from this syndrome apparently. The term is meant to imply a person who is actually quite good but doesn’t believe in themselves. They suspect they are just an impostor trying to fool others and not competent at all. The real test of whether one is suffering from this syndrome or in actual fact an impostor is that the one with the syndrome will usually get good external feedback. This will make them think that they are successful in fooling people rather than that they know their stuff…because of the syndrome. The one who is an impostor or technically incompetent does not usually receive good feedback from the external world; however, because everyone these days is supposed to be competent at everything and only suffering from impostor syndrome, instead of taking this feedback seriously the actual impostor will continue to think they are suffering from impostor syndrome and that people around them just don’t get them.

While it might seem like I am putting down people as incompetent, on the contrary, I am not using the word incompetent in general as a label for the person but incompetent in the context of the work the person is trying to do. This could mean that someone who has absolutely no ability to write keeps trying to get published, keeps getting negative feedback, keeps feeling discouraged, then being told by all and sundry that they only need to keep making an effort, and they will get there. What irks me is that it seems as if the feelers are being empathetic and helping this person gain confidence, but in actual fact they are only derailing the process of introspection and self-evaluation, and what is more important, denying them the possibility of exploring options where they might actually find fulfilment instead of being met with constant frustration.

I guess it also boils down to the question of whether people would prefer to spend their lives doing things they excel at or intrinsically enjoy, or alternatively, doing things that they have somehow stumbled into and wouldn’t mind just getting by. If it is the latter, then my way of thinking or advice would be at odds and the feelers are right in giving the person false comfort. They are not telling this person what they already do know but making them feel validated for the conscious choice of mediocrity. It works in general because everyone in this tribe is looking for the same general validation or commiseration… anyone questioning the validity of this choice on the other hand might be seen as a villain for reasons that are explicitly different from the implicit ones just pointed out.

Monday, November 30, 2020

I bid farewell to one of the few friends I had made since coming here. This has made me think about how people come into and go out of our lives. When I look back, I realise that having this friend helped me get through some of the toughest times in the past few years. It wasn't as if they did anything practically, but I had a listening ear and someone to talk to when I needed it the most. Those issues sorted to my advantage eventually, and by the time they did, the friend also went on their own life path. It almost seems like I had a friend when I needed one, and when they served their purpose in a way, they weren't in my life anymore. I see this as something of a if people come into your life expressly to teach you something or nudge you to do something you can't find the courage or clarity to do or to be a source of comfort when things are proving difficult for you...and the moment you have passed over the bridge, they seem to disappear or drift off.

I find myself feeling slightly melancholy and nostalgic (what a surprise!) with this turn of thought. Also because, another thing strikes me, which didn't when I was much younger. A sense of the finality of things, of the never-to-be-again nature of events. I am conscious of how I will most likely never see this friend again in this lifetime. It's like Shakespeare’s stage where the actors move out after playing their respective parts and don't make an appearance again... in this case even in the final act or even to say goodbye one last time. The moment you see them for the last time is now…because life is finite, and it ends abruptly and sooner than one thinks. I will come across other actors in the journey forward who will serve their purposes and play their roles in my life story... but as it always happens I will not know the value of the part they will play in my life or cherish it in quite the same way...till it’s time to bid adieu. That time or moment becomes poignant not because you lose the person forever in a way, because they would have already played their part and drifted away, but because it becomes a moment in which you grieve all such moments gone by, and more so, all such moments still to come… You know you have to dig deep to muster all the strength you have… to go on… in spite of, despite,… because life goes on.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

I am thinking about the words "opinionated" and "judgmental". Why are having an opinion or showing judgment made out to be bad things? Most people have no opinions, at least informed ones, and most people have no judgment, at least well-deliberated ones. So, instead of encouraging people to form opinions, to make critical evaluations, to cultivate themselves in a way in interaction with the world of ideas, why do we pull down those who show strong opinions or express strong judgments? Granted that just having an opinion or a judgment does not make it a right or a wise one but I would say these sort of people have at least made an effort to engage their mind in some way, they at least show an interest in committing to a point of view, they at least care in the broad sense of the term to know themselves or the world through themselves? I have sympathy for this type but the other type... that sits on the fence calmly while the world drifts by tilting neither this way nor that...they get my goat. No, actually, they don't get my anything ;)

Friday, November 20, 2020

Lately I have been reflecting quite a bit about rules. I was asked to become an admin of an FB humour group—if you find that funny, so did I...hehe...but that's because I am perhaps at my most serious and intense on this blog—but to get to the the admin one of the things one has to do is accept or reject members into the group. Those requesting membership have to fill a few fields including check a box agreeing to the group rules. The rules are standard stuff like being respectful and all that. Now it turns out that a lot of membership requestors were not ticking this check box; the reason is unknown. About 7-8 of us admins and moderators had a discussion about this and almost everyone felt that people who didn't tick this box about the group rules should not be given access to the group.


I was the only one who felt differently and this made me delve into my head a bit more. It's not that I am in favour of people breaking the rules or being disrespectful or some such, obviously not, quite the contrary. However, given that this checkbox wasn't something like an official contract, breaking which you would be liable to be penalised, my logic was this: 1. When it comes to humour, tastes differ. So, even if a person agrees to abide by the rules and to not post something disrespectful or offensive, they still could if their tastes were different. 2. Since agreeing to the rules and then breaking them didn't come with a penalty, there was no reason they wouldn't still do it if they were the type of people who generally did. 3. If people didn't tick the checkbox because they intentionally wanted to reject the rules, that would show they were people with too much integrity to actually break basic rules like respect! In this sense I would consider not ticking the box an oversight rather than deliberate. 4. How many people read the rules before ticking the box to join an FB group, especially a humour group? So what does ticking even mean really in this scheme of things? Given these many reasons, and I could think of more, it was quite surprising to me that people thought it was better to reject members than accept them just because they didn't tick the box. Of course, one could ask why mention the rules at all at the time of joining then but I think it is quite alright to mention them to show we hold these values or expect them to be abided by but whether people abide by them or not should best be evaluated in their actions rather than as part of a tick box exercise.


I guess we are so used to living in the tyranny of rules that agreeing to the rules—no matter what the context—has become a rule above all. It seems something of a blasphemy to us that someone does not agree and we are not able to think beyond the crime of rule-breaking for the sake of it, not able to reason beyond the rule, not able to ask ourselves whether the rule itself serves a purpose or not able to take the entirety of the situation into account. We seem to hold the rule above the individual...and in this sense the group above the individual though the identity of the group itself is reduced to nothing but rule following.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

I wish…

Sometimes little

And sometimes too much

Like a beggar

Who thinks

Even a little goes a long way

And then like a queen

For whom a feast must be a feast of record

I yoyo


In my head

And in my heart

Sometimes angry, stung

And then compliant, indulgent

I wish…

To be

Proud, haughty

Churlish even

But what are the chances

You’d notice?

My airs and graces

And then

I couldn’t bear

If you turned away

A risk

Not worth the taking…


~ Me

Monday, November 16, 2020

Validation. Why do we need it? Why do we want people to acknowledge our gestures, to make us feel like we matter, make us believe that they care, make us valuable in our own eyes in a sense? Why? Isn't it quite enough that I know, just know, that I do matter... not to a person or someone but that my existence is not a fluke, an accident, an aberration. It is determined, it is deliberate, it is designed, it mattered enough. It might seem like I am saying that I matter to God and maybe it boils down to it if you look at it this way, but my counterpoint is that if all this is untrue and I do not matter to God and thereby I am nothing and no one in the scheme of things, then, I do not matter at all. My mattering to another human being would not have much significance in this state of affairs either because we would be both meaningless in the grand design. Can one mouse validate another...? Well, nor could we validate each other if we were akin to mice...but if we are something much more, then I come validated into the world already and if I seek validation then my internal validation should be as good as any external one. It would after all be invested in me by a higher power.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

I was wondering about why I have so little to share on my blog these days. I think it’s the lack of anything going on in one’s life with the way things are. You don’t expect anything out of the ordinary to occur in video meetings, you don’t really hang around anywhere waiting to catch any drippings of gossip, you don’t go to the office and bump into colleagues to exchange long drawn out complaints… it’s like life is at a standstill. I actually can’t believe it’s almost December because time seems to have stopped for the last many months. My dear readers are aware that this is the time I would be preparing to go home and starting to get moony-eyed by the thought of home… but it looks like this year I will be spending Christmas alone. The prospect makes me sad when I dwell on it… which is why I try not to…

I was working on something for the past few weeks that made me think a bit more deeply about how my gender and ethnicity influence the outcomes I achieve in my life, or in other words, how the cards are stacked against me in this regard. It’s not that I have never thought about this but it’s always been more at a subconscious level. For instance, when I first introduce myself as a tutor to a class I am extremely conscious of how I might be judged. I wonder how the students perceive me and a large part of this perception analysis draws from my racial and gender identity. I feel like I might be perceived as not good enough on first impression or that I need to prove myself or my worth against whatever impression they have of me… all because I am an Indian woman. I imagine that some identities do not experience this sense of being judged as someone with lower worth or face this challenge of having to prove their worth. It’s as if they are taken to be good enough at face value, and because they don’t have to really do anything to earn this good impression except be who they are, it’s not so difficult to sail through. However, for those of us who are not the receivers of such instant goodwill based on our ethnicity or gender or worse still both, there is a steep uphill climb.

Even though I am supremely confident about my abilities and the quality of my work in general, I have never been able to transfer this confidence in relation to the opportunities that come my way or the outcomes I achieve. I generally have, as you my readers know very well, put this lack of confidence down to my luck. The truth is though that luck is attached to one’s circumstances in life, to who one was born to, as what, where, and so on. It is not an abstract luck but a luck that is configured into the systems and structures of the real world and that either works in one’s favour or doesn’t… In spite of being conscious of the practical dynamics of how much of what we call luck operates I think of it in the abstract, as something mystical and universally ordained… in a way it is because we did not choose our circumstances…but in another way I tend to do so because it helps me focus my efforts on what is in my own control…rather than on something that I am powerless to fight against.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

I feel like I am putting out fires all the time these days, no, this year. Some or the other problem keeps popping up and just as I solve it heaving a sigh of relief, another one pops up. This is keeping me on edge because I am anticipating new fires, new things to go wrong, and I am unable to relax. The good thing is most problems are small and even quickly resolved but the process is proving exhausting, mentally and emotionally… like jumping from one roller coaster to the other not knowing when I will finally settle back on the ground...especially considering I hate roller coasters.

I was thinking today that I have a very strong personality with its own quirks which only very few people are really able to "get" and fewer still are able to handle much less nurture. In spite of all the fires and storms brewing in my life I feel like I have the good fortune of being under a nurturing influence or under the shade of a huge tree. Because of all the stuff going wrong lately I am worried about things that might potentially go wrong...with my superstitious senses working overtime! What would happen when I no longer have this nurturing influence as indeed it does have an expiry date not too far in the future. What then? Will I feel like a child who goes out into the real world and realises how sheltered and protected it is…and wants to run back home. I can't imagine how it must feel if the child has no home to run back to. But perhaps it will learn to face the world? The truth is that I have faced the world for most of my life…but when you find a home and become used to its comfort and shelter, you want to hold on to it. Which is why people call it a ‘comfort zone’ I guess. But I mustn’t forget that I left the biggest comfort zone of my life when I ventured to this country all alone. I have done it before and I can do it again when the time comes. Except, a part of me wishes I won’t have to… and then I realise that everything is actually alright with the world… at least for now…because I am in my home zone.  

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

I am a bit lost for thoughts these days as you can no doubt tell. Or maybe it’s just the worry and stress of getting things moving from my plate… I feel like I don’t have time to sit back, relax, enjoy stuff for the sake of it. I was thinking to myself just the other day that until a year ago I always made it a point to not do any work on weekends, then I gradually started slipping in work on a Saturday, and now I seem to be working the entire weekend. This is not to say that I don’t take any break, of course I do… I do it after I am done with a deadline which is a good chunk of a month or more when I go slightly easy on myself for at least a week. The problem as I see it is that I enjoy a lot of aspects of my work say for instance the reading and because I enjoy it I very often feel like I didn’t actually do any work or that I did something ‘easy’ but the truth is that it’s something that absorbs the mind fully and is not really the same as taking a proper break or going easy.

I want to get back to my earlier schedule of not doing any work on weekends. It would be a bit harder these days to follow this because I can’t enjoy activities like pottering about the city or browsing in the shops the way I used in pre-COVID times… if I am at home then I feel that I might as well start reading something. But I think it’s worth forcing myself to think of something entirely different from anything to do with my work or research. Maybe cook something more elaborate or organise shelves or go for a longish walk or something of the kind. I feel that ultimately this will also benefit my work… I have always observed that when you come back from breaks you come with a fresh mind or see things with new eyes… I feel like I need more of that fresh perspective or fresh mind now. In a way by not taking proper breaks I have only been giving it less rather than more. I am hoping to correct this…not just from a work perspective but also as part of self-care. Let’s see how it goes :)

Friday, October 02, 2020

The new academic year has rolled in. Other than the chillier air outside everything seems rather different for this time of the year. Like we have all retreated into the internet and we can only reach out to each other in this artificial mode. To me the calendar seems to have stopped after last December when I came back from Dubai… and it seems another dimension of the surreal that I am going to be facing December again. What happened in between… nothing and everything… I know I write these posts longing for the old normal off and on…but I do long for it. I guess the passing of time which when I was much younger never weighed on me seems like another weight to bear. In a game one would expect to get a time-out or something if one took a break or expect the timer to be stopped when one is not engaging in activity, but there is no stopping the universal clock. We may make no use of all this time but it is still being counted… we are still getting older, by the day or month or year. It sort of makes me think about the fact that I never really thought about making time count when it wasn’t held hostage like it is now… it’s not like I was living every minute of it though I guess living every minute of it in someone else’s sense is not what I would do with it even if I had a free run of it now… but what I mean is mental freedom or the freedom to do what one liked, go where one liked, or just experience the normal routines of life… one can want the normal and mundane as much as one can want the exciting and adventurous, can one not? And one never thinks that even the normal and mundane will not be possible so this snatching away of it does make one think about it as one never thought before.

Speaking of routines, I have been sort of feeling a bit more debbie downish in the past week or so. Last year around this time I wrote about my new housemates and how it all turned out for the better… I was not expecting new housemates this time though there was every reason for me to expect them and as usual I resisted the change with all my might by settling into a sad mood. I couldn’t have gone on forever in this state so I am back to looking at the situation’s brighter side… it is brighter to be honest. I’ll perhaps reserve more about it for one of my next posts :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

I finished a piece of work a week ago. When I started it about two months ago I just didn’t know how I would ever be able to see the end of it. It seemed to be one of those things that one wished to see the end of but one couldn’t bear to start… if you know what I mean. After I ended it I actually marvelled at it… I found it difficult to imagine that I had actually managed to do it…that I had actually painstakingly and laboriously written all those words on paper and filled all those pages with words. It seemed as if the whole thing must have magically dropped from heaven or that some inspired spirit must have moved me to write it… that’s how I feel at the end, surveying the whole work, very different from at the beginning when every step or word seems heavy…

Someone shared the following excerpt today and it resonated with me. I guess this is the attitude with which I try to approach my work too. Though I want nothing more than to reach the end, I know that reaching the end wouldn’t satisfy me if I don’t have something good to show for the journey…


“You see, Momo,' he [Beppo Roadsweeper] told her one day, 'it's like this. Sometimes, when you've a very long street ahead of you, you think how terribly long it is and feel sure you'll never get it swept.'

He gazed silently into space before continuing. 'And then you start to hurry,' he went on. 'You work faster and faster, and every time you look up there seems to be just as much left to sweep as before, and you try even harder, and you panic, and in the end you're out of breath and have to stop - and still the street stretches away in front of you. That's not the way to do it.'

He pondered a while. Then he said, 'You must never think of the whole street at once, understand? You must only concentrate on the next step, the next breath, the next stroke of the broom, and the next, and the next. Nothing else.'

Again he paused for thought before adding, 'That way you enjoy your work, which is important, because then you make a good job of it. And that's how it ought to be.'

There was another long silence. At last he went on, 'And all at once, before you know it, you find you've swept the whole street clean, bit by bit. What's more, you aren't out of breath.' He nodded to himself. 'That's important, too,' he concluded.”

~Michael Ende, Momo

Thursday, September 17, 2020
Another reason why I was drawn to academia dawned on me out of the blue. Most other work environments seem to have this thing for levelling people. For bringing everybody down to the lowest level of intelligence. The concept of teamwork also in a way tries to tone down individual spirit, tries to bring it in alliance with the team… anyone who has ever worked in a team knows that the team performance is usually down to one or two bright, committed and goal oriented individuals. However, when it comes to giving credit it is frowned upon to credit these specific individuals and if these specific individuals desired any credit it would be frowned upon as going against team spirit.

I see a sort of militancy against individuals who strive to attain higher standards as if others are sort of threatened by this. They know they can never achieve those standards so they collectively have a stake in keeping the standards low. The one who has high standards or aims for excellence paradoxically may be demonised because such people are seen as individualists, against the so-called general “team spirit” whose chief principle is to uphold the group rather than uphold standards. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the group nor do I believe everyone should try to attain a high standard if that’s not their cup of tea or if they genuinely are happy with the mediocre. What bothers me is that to retain a comfortable state of affairs the ones with a “group” mentality think nothing of oppressing those who actually do aim higher or do want to achieve a higher standard or do want to encourage those who are yet to develop any standards to achieve them. That is where the state of the world bothers me, the tyranny of the many or the mediocre seems sad to me.

Coming to how this draws me to academia... There is a lot to be said about the research or publishing world in the academic context as well and it’s not as if it doesn’t have built-in privileges for some or constraints for individuals… however, for the most part, it allows you to be an individual, it allows you to be brilliant, it allows you to be better than the pack, it allows you to distinguish yourself, it allows you to shine brighter than those around you...and not in the social or charismatic or superficial sense which is the only shining possibility other work environments have (which is why it’s doubly oppressive to people who like to work in their own corner). I mean in the sense of ideas and mental output. You don’t get accolades for just submitting a paper or for making an effort or for just trying. I am not diminishing the importance of trying; they are important first steps without which one wouldn’t get to the last. However, I am vehemently against an “everybody gets a prize” logic. I believe giving out the same medal for just competing in a race as opposed to winning it is not fair to someone who puts their blood, sweat, tears into winning, into finishing, into going on in spite of everything. It seems strange to me that to save the feelings of one who competed one would hurt the feelings of someone who put their all into it! Luckily, in academia, you don’t get a medal or a prize for putting out a mediocre paper because, wow, you tried. You don’t get a medal for being a team player or a charmer or a goofy guy who makes everybody laugh. You only get it if your output matches or exceeds standards. Maybe some might prefer the former or find it a softer world whereas I prefer the latter even if I fail or don’t manage to meet standards… I would never wish to have a medal for trying. If I did get a medal, I would like to feel that I deserved it. I guess I would also be motivated to go the extra mile when I know that the extra mile is what counts. I also feel—maybe I am being uncharitable here but I have observed this—that people who do not have it in them to go the distance use soft ploys of goofiness, charm, emotion to worm their way to medals. They succeed too in many work environments. More’s the pity…

Many people like the idea of harmony and comfort so much that they are ready to bear any cost for it. Even critical thinking is viewed with suspicion because obviously you can’t do critical thinking with harmony and comfort as an end goal. That is why this goofiness, charm, emotional appeal, diplomacy is prized over reason, logic, critical thinking, and straight talk. Again, in academia you can’t survive being just goofy and funny and charming and self-deprecatingly stupid. You can’t produce substantial academic outputs with these empty tools. Not to say that a critical or logical personality can’t have flaws… but I can work with flaws of people who are fundamentally critical and logical and have high standards for themselves and others. After all, I am one who has those flaws as well! These attributes for obvious reasons don’t go very well with the type of “team spirit” I mentioned earlier. They are not about upholding the group, they are about upholding standards. In my view though when a group comes together to uphold standards instead of itself, it becomes much stronger for it.

Monday, September 14, 2020
Are things random or do they have meaning? It seems to me that objectively things may very well be random but our consciousness overlays them with meaning or detects patterns and coincidences that suffuse them with meaning. It's like the question of whether if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? Considering that sound is only what an ear can detect, it is argued that if no human is around to hear it, then there is no sound. So also it seems to me with meaning—it can only be produced by a consciousness; there is no meaning independent of it.

Ever since the virus started, life has been different for all of us I guess. In my case it has perhaps been less different than for most people because of my introverted lifestyle. I don't feel as much of a need for interaction with the outside world or people as most people. When I am occupied in the world of ideas which I am most of the time, I feel intensely alive. Not to say I don't miss people... I have been dreaming about home all the time... but it's a longing which I can hold at bay rather than something I need to sustain me from day to day. My day to day is in the mind.
I have had one strange thing to confront though: my appearance. I have mentioned my developing acne issue before. It has meant I can't even apply the bare minimum products I used to apply on my face. Even otherwise with the pandemic I couldn't do some routine things such as get my eyebrows shaped (I feel like mentioning this is crossing a line on my blog… because I rarely mention physicality at all… hehe). I had to give up or stoically accept all concerns related to the way I look. In video meetings which is what all of us are forced to do these days you come face to face with your face so to speak unlike in a regular meeting where you only see others. It doesn't help if you have a serious face or grim expressions ;) All this has made me feel as if I was being put through a test of sorts…at least that was the meaning I chose to see in the combination of events thrust upon me. As if I was supposed to learn something about vanity with regard to appearance... something I needed to get to grips with. And I did learn. The learning has been liberating in a strange way. I no longer feel conscious of what my face looks like in these video settings... there is a freedom in letting go, in being completely about who you are within which has nothing to do with what you look like without. I am not saying that I don't care or won't care what I look like anymore but I am not overly attached to it or pin my confidence to it. We know that we are not always going to look like what we do today but I guess we are never prepared for when it happens. I feel that I needed the preparation and that is why it came my way...

Saturday, September 12, 2020
The last of my housemates, the Chinese one, about whom I have written a few times, left today. I remember last year exactly at this time I had written about shifting from my solo house to this shared one and all my anxieties and worries about how it would be sharing with other people. Everything turned out much better than my expectations… till the pandemic struck. One by one they left and the only ones who remained, me and the Chinese girl, had a deep disagreement about safety measures in relation to the virus. I am quite cautious by nature and what is going on makes me extra cautious. She was also cautious but not as much as me and I think not having too long to stay in this country she wanted to make the most of it. If all this hadn’t happened maybe we wouldn’t have disagreed or been on bad terms, but who knows, maybe we still would have.

Today I am feeling a little sad though. I was living alone before and I am sure I will get used to it quickly but when a presence turns into absence you can’t help but mourn it. I sometimes even wonder if I was distancing myself deliberately over this disagreement so that when she left I wouldn’t feel all that bad. At a subconscious level it’s as if you are protecting yourself in some way… anyway she will leave so may as well prepare for it. The time I had in this house before the pandemic seems like a completely different world now… like all became dark and gloomy and quiet all of a sudden. I mourn for those days too in a way… The fact that I may never see her again seems odd to me. It’s almost when someone dies you know you will never see them again…in this case I might hear from them or read their messages at most but the chances of actually seeing each other in person are very dim. Our paths may never cross again. That gives me a weird, sad feeling. It also makes me regret that I did not mend things when I could have… but I realise that it’s just wishful thinking…

Hmm… so dear reader, I feel better pouring my heart out to you. It does feel heavier today… somehow I have been carrying on bravely in spite of everything… and having work has helped divert me in a good way… hopeful that tomorrow will be a better day… it always is…

Friday, September 11, 2020

Unspoken the words
Say so much
What would it be like
If they could speak
I hear them
Loud and clear
In silence
I try
To draw them out
Let them
Come to the surface
But they fall short
Almost at the lips
As if saying them
Would break
Fake truces
Of formality

Wednesday, September 02, 2020
I have been meaning to write about this for a while now but somehow keep getting side-lined into other things. I had checked my MBTI personality profile (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) quite many years ago and never thought about it much then. I did it again last year or so because it came up in one of the workshops. This time my curiosity was piqued. I discovered that the INTJ (Introverted Intuition, Thinking, and Judging) type which I am happens to be among the least common of the 16 personality types and the female INTJ is the rarest type among all! Needless to say this aroused my interest as well as my ego ;)

I joined a Facebook group dedicated to discussing the attributes or quirks of this type with the intention to learn more. I have to admit that since joining this group I have embraced my personality more fully and started understanding the disparate pieces that make me ‘me’ in a more unified sense. Things that seemed weird to me about myself or me just being me now seem to have some sort of underlying principle. The fact that my type is so rare does account for why I have always felt like an odd one out. For instance I always thought that I had a man’s brain in a woman’s body but now it appears it’s an INTJ thing. It creates an overriding dominance of Thinking/logic as opposed to Feeling in my personality. Not that I think men are logical and women are not but I would say I never fitted into the concept of how women are generally expected to think or be. Instead of an abnormal odd I now feel like an out of the ordinary odd...if you know what I mean. I also find it therapeutic in a sense to find others who think or operate the same way even if online…

I was keen to share this piece of info about my MBTI type or my “INTJness” as I call it because a lot of my reflections on this blog go back to who I am or how I am and I tend to connect this in my head to “how I function” or my INTJ functions… I intend to reflect on these connections in my future posts…

Saturday, August 29, 2020
These days I feel like I have two selves: the acting self and the observing self. This observing self is always looking on, tut tutting at my actions, showing me the mirror of my true motivations, questioning and criticising me, and in the process also shaping the arc of my future actions. The acting self seems to be far more spontaneous (relatively speaking since my dear readers know I am anything but spontaneous) but I mean spontaneous in the sense of being driven by something more instinctual and subconscious. I might say something boastful in the throes of a conversation for instance but later my observing self may chide me about my egoistic need for praise. Something like that happened today when my observing self asked me about the motivation for some of my actions. I thought I was doing them to be genuinely helpful but when these actions weren't acknowledged I felt a bit sad. My observing self asked me why I felt sad if all I wanted was to help? Perhaps I also wanted to be seen or acknowledged as helpful or wanted recognition for it but when it wasn't forthcoming my emotions sort of gave away my inner desire. My acting self wasn’t conscious of this desire but my observing self, looking upon my actions, made me conscious of them. That's what I meant by showing me the mirror to what is inside me. 

I wish to depend less on external rewards/reinforcements for my actions, act less for perception sake and more for authentic expression so it bothers me when that does not seem to be the case. I guess it's not that I am not acting authentically—not at all—helping people in the way I do is my authentic expression but what I can't get rid of is the expectation of acknowledgement. When the acknowledgement doesn't come it's not that I am sad because I failed to create a perception but it's more about…was this action meaningful at all to anyone? Was it even needed... or appreciated? Again, point is it shouldn't matter to me if it was needed or appreciated if it's driven by my internal desire to do what I believe needs doing or what I feel I must do... that is where I get stuck. To act and leave it at that seems difficult. As they say in Hindi "Naiki kar darya mein daal" or "do good and cast it in the river"...I wish it was easy.

Sunday, August 23, 2020
“Yet even as I was suffocating, I did not fail to find peace in cheerful and brave reflections. “ What is this?” said I. “Does death make trial of me so many times? Let it—I have made trial of it as well,” long ago. “When?” you ask. Before I was born. Death is just nonexistence. I know already what that is like: what will exist after me is the same as existed before me. If there is any torment in this thing, then there must have been torment also before we saw the light of day. Yet we did not feel any discomfort at that time.

I ask you this: wouldn’t you say a person was quite stupid if he thought that a lamp was worse off after it was extinguished than before it was lighted? We too are extinguished; we too are lighted. Betweentimes there is something that we feel; on either side is complete lack of concern. Unless I am wrong, dear Lucilius, our mistake is that we think death comes after; in fact, it comes both before and after. Whatever was before us is death. What difference is there between ending and simply not beginning? Both have the same result: nonexistence.”
~ Seneca

I found this passage quite profound. It’s strange that even the most simple and familiar ideas when looked at from a different perspective can provide so much illumination. We know we did not exist before being born but rarely do we think that what we will experience after death, that is nonexistence, is the same as what we experienced before being born, that is, nonexistence. What it is to experience nonexistence after death we do not know but we also do not know what it was like before we were born. Did the moment of birth initiate our existence? If so, then since we have already experienced the state of not existing it shouldn’t be too difficult to do it again. And what if the moment of birth didn’t really initiate our existence but only transferred our essence to physical existence? Well, then that means that the state of death will transfer it back to where it came from.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tout vient a qui sait attendre

All hoped-for things will come to you
Who have the strength to watch and wait,
Our longings spur the steeds of Fate,
This has been said by one who knew.

‘Ah, all things come to those who wait,’
(I say these words to make me glad),
But something answers soft and sad,
‘They come, but often come too late.’

 ~ Violet Fane

Unlike the poem, I wouldn't say they come too late. They come when their time is due or ripe, and if it seems late, it is perhaps because we are not aware of the whole plan. I sound a bit more positive than my last few posts right? :) That's because some good things I have been praying for materialised! They keep me very busy which is why I have been slightly silent on the blog...but it's a good busy. You're always on my mind though, my lovely readers!
Lately I dream a lot about Mumbai. I think it’s because it’s slightly more than two years since I was there. I did go to India a year ago but was only able to visit Mangalore. I dream of moments, rather mundane ones, I shared with people at home, places that seem very exciting now seen from the perspective of my quite surroundings, events that didn't have much significance then but now fill me with nostalgia simply because I can never experience them again...simple routines like having breakfast with mom in the morning or watching TV together. Everything seems far away, like in a different time or world, out of grasp...maybe I have this feeling because the covid situation makes me feel like I can't just run home if I want to...
As usual, it didn't take much for positive me to jump to nostalgic me... there's a reason this blog is named nostalgica, as you all know! ;)

Saturday, August 08, 2020
I have been reading bits and pieces of Stoic philosophy recently. There is much that resonates with me and some that doesn't. In the following quote for example, I relate to the idea of standing one's ground against misfortune rather than allowing it to break one—which in modern parlance indicates grit, perseverance, determination and other such attributes. What I don’t get, and it might be because I need to understand it better, is the idea that virtues are natural to man’s nature or that virtue realises man’s true nature… I mean in a sense I agree that virtues are all that is noble in man’s nature but in some sense the nobility to me comes from defying more natural by which I mean animalistic elements rather than it coming naturally. But my confusion might come from a lack of understanding or agreement on definitions of key concepts…rather than a disagreement in principle.

"Be like the promontory against which the waves continually break, but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it.
Unhappy am I, because this has happened to me—Not so, but Happy am I, though this has happened to me, because I continue free from pain, neither crushed by the present nor fearing the future. For such a thing as this might have happened to every man; but every man would not have continued free from pain on such an occasion. Why then is that rather a misfortune than this a good fortune? And dost thou in all cases call that a man’s misfortune, which is not a deviation from man’s nature? And does a thing seem to thee to be a deviation from man’s nature, when it is not contrary to the will of man’s nature? Well, thou knowest the will of nature. Will then this which has happened prevent thee from being just, magnanimous, temperate, prudent, secure against inconsiderate opinions and falsehood; will it prevent thee from having modesty, freedom, and everything else, by the presence of which man’s nature obtains all that is its own? Remember too on every occasion which leads thee to vexation to apply this principle: that this is not a misfortune, but that to bear it nobly is good fortune."
~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 4:49

Wednesday, August 05, 2020
Be steady, be calm

But ready

To take on

What is coming

Good or bad

Time will tell

What spell

Destiny weaves

Not yours to guess

But to work

Steadily, determinedly

At your goal

Resist all thoughts

Of things

You can't control

But toil, slog

Knead and mould

The pure dough

Of effort, toil, sweat

What is in your hands

Is yours alone

Make it your best

And hope

T'will be blest...



Monday, August 03, 2020
Do you ever realise that there is only one person in the whole world who loves you unconditionally... who is invested in you in a way no one else is or can be...and whose investment doesn't demand any return? I am referring to mother. I am not in a position to know if one would feel the same way about one's child; that seems the closest relationship that replicates the bond one could have with one's mother. I do think I am invested in my mother like I am in no other but perhaps it's not as unconditional... I do have expectations from her...even her emotional investment in me that I am taking for granted is an expectation. I am not saying that there are no other equally strong relationships in one's life, if one is lucky that is, but it's just that there is something about a mother and child bond that seems to be unique. It might be too dramatic but for want of a better analogy it's like the love you expect an ideal God to have for you... you might not be worthy of love and might do everything to forfeit it but you don't expect God to love you any less because God is God. It's not like mortal loves that are fickle, changeable, fluid, temperamental, lacking depth, so on... Of course, I don't mean to say mothers are perfect beings who love perfectly, far from it. But just that the quality of their love for their own children is far more natural and fixed because it inheres in the fact that you are her child and nothing else whatever. And nothing you do can make you less of or not her child.

These thoughts actually come to my mind when I think of how one's world would be if one did not have a mother. It's perhaps even worse than a world in which one did not believe there was a God because one might never have felt God's presence so may not notice his absence but to feel and know and live in the shade of a mother's love...and then to not have that shade anymore... how must it feel? I'd rather not think about it... life is full of suffering for those who think or feel deeply...but some forms of suffering seem too much for any human to bear.

Friday, July 31, 2020
But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.

~ Carl Sagan

I notice this logical fallacy everywhere around me. There is a tendency to give more weight to the appearance of things or make judgements based on the appearance of things rather than digging deep to investigate their true nature for oneself. Even if one does this the reaction to appearances is so strong in today's culture that debate and dialogue seem to have no room to breathe. Take for example the question of whether art must be considered as separate from the artist. This question usually seems to evoke emotional responses rather than logical ones and if one were to hold the view that the art must be judged by its own merit you are somehow deemed to side with artists who are perpetrators of horrendous crimes! In short, the possibility of a nuanced view is rejected. I find this sort of thinking not only oppressive but also a threat to critical thinking and expression in general. It's like someone posing an open-ended question and then demanding that you answer in either true or false terms. If you are concerned about an authentic response you cannot respond to the question at all and are rendered dumb. The result is that only people who think in narrow yes/no or true/false categories are the ones able to have their say and it is their narrow worldviews that dominate.
Considering that it is possible to enjoy forms of art such as say music with no knowledge of the artist at all it seems strange to me that an artist's culpability must be extended to anyone who enjoys their art. If the artist's (or philosopher’s or scientist’s) character must be validated before we access their art then what list of criteria are to be applied to validate character, who is to decide the criteria, and by the standards of which time/place because every period of history and every culture must have its own standards of good/bad indeed even art is historical/cultural? But it's only when one is open to a nuanced view that these questions present themselves. The majority though do not care about nuance or complexity... answers are reduced to this or that... if you're not with me then you're against me. And if you are against me you are a villain. And if you are a villain you deserve to die...
I am quite troubled by this trend.

Monday, July 27, 2020
I haven't felt so out of hope in a long while. In the last few years certain things turned out in my favour after a long hard road and I learnt the lesson that if you stick it out, the road will be eventually smoother. This year has thrown a huge spanner in the works with everything taking a nosedive with the pandemic and I have been trying very hard to keep my equanimity. At every little failure I have kept my chin up and looked toward the next possibility. But today, when the nth time I met with failure, it was like a dam burst inside me. It became a bit overwhelming. I had to finally look up and say to God that my patience is wearing out, that I could see no path ahead, that I would be forced to admit defeat if things went on this way...

The other day I read about this story in the ancient Indian epic, Mahabharata. I don't remember its details (so don’t quote me on it ;)) but it was to the effect that two people were fighting with each other arguing that the other should keep a piece of property as it rightfully belonged to the other and not themselves. They go to Yudhishtara (I think) and while they are thus fighting he excuses himself for a few minutes. When he's back they happen to be fighting for the opposite cause, that is, to keep the property for themselves. Yudhishtara says that kal or time had changed with virtue giving way to greed. What struck me about this story was the concept of “kal” or “time” not as a flow of passive temporality within which humanity lives out its lives and concerns but as something meaningful in itself, or something that shapes our lives and concerns rather than simply hanging in the background like a calendar. The reason this idea feels salient to me now is that time appears to have suddenly turned against us at the turning of 2020 and we seem to have entered a bad time so to speak. And all we can do now is wait for "time" to change gears...because none of this is in our control. It is up to time to speak.