To Be or Not To Be |
A little kingdom I possess, Where thoughts and feelings dwell; And very hard the task I find Of governing it well. ~ Louisa May Alcott ...that more or less describes my situation!
~A Wise Man Said~ It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~ Aristotle
~Follow Me~ @sylverplait
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Tuesday, December 27, 2022
'Tis that time of the year again.
Endings, new beginnings, reflections, learnings, looking backwards, moving
forwards, you get the drift. This year taught me many things but even as I was
chewing on one of its greatest lessons, it reinforced that lesson with another
thump. That things can change in a moment with no warning and I can't do a damn
thing about it! That no matter how much I hold onto a sense of stability and
try to grasp it with both hands, it will still slip through my fingers like so
much sand. Instead of complaining though, I want to be thankful. Thankful that
these things did not escalate more than they did and the people who mean so
much to me will get through to the other side, maybe a bit battleworn, maybe
later than sooner, but what matters is that they will. And I hope to learn from
these lessons to cherish the moments I have with people who mean something to
me. To tell them what I cherish about them and how they bring light into my
life. In spite of how hard I make it for them to find a way in with their
light. That's what I am taking with me into the New Year... I read a quote that to want to be a
writer and not want to be rejected is to want to be a boxer and not want to get
punched... hehe... As an academic my stock-in-trade is writing. However, before
I ever even imagined entering academia I was writing. I guess I have been
writing since I can even remember, in my diary or wherever. And what is this
blog if not a paean to my love of writing! In short, writing is my lifeblood,
as natural as breathing. But this past year, writing has become part of the
competitive sport one plays in academia, not what I do for pleasure (except on
this blog of course ;)). And rejections or defeats are a part and parcel of
that. It can feel really tough to serve up a core part of your identity, which
writing is for me, for judgement and criticism. Which is why I find this quote
strangely comforting. It shifts the way I look at rejections or defeats - you
can't not have them and still hone your craft. I guess like boxing one must
focus on playing one’s best game (though I know next to nothing about boxing)
rather than avoiding punches because the only way to completely avoid them is
to not play. But I am here to play so I must learn to bear the punches too. I
must grow a thicker skin. Easier said than done of course. But that's another
note to self I take with me into the New Year... Here's to the New Year, dear reader... may it be full of adventure but in a kindly way! :) Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Sometimes when you are looking to cheer up, something just pops up out of the blue to tell you it is okay. These words did that for me: “Life gets better when you are no longer trying to be everyone’s cup of tea”. I know that I am not everyone’s cup of tea and I don’t even want to be because that just sounds too boring and ordinary but I guess it is hard to live in a world where you are judged by those common tea standards. It is also hard when people do not realize that everyone needn’t be everyone’s cup of tea so why not meet people on their own terms instead of trying to evaluate them by common standards? It makes me want to retreat into myself and that is hard because it takes courage to even venture out when you know it’s the same tea everywhere and you are going to stand out, one way or another. It is hard to again find that courage, and it is also hard to feel like you are doomed to be misunderstood so may as well find joy inside your own shell. Which I luckily do but the world demands that you come out if you are to amount to anything. So my conundrum is how do I come out but stay in in a way that I am not hurt by outside, if you know what I mean? One way is to find people around me who give me the same comfort that I find inside, people who are my cup of tea or people who do not keep trying to box me into some universal cup of tea. That’s what I try to do but that is also hard because people are hard… Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Why should we prove Who we are To all and sundry? Why make our efforts Count for something In the eyes of Tom, Dick and Harry? Who are they To judge What springs forth From the innermost Recesses Of one's mind or heart? And how are they To weigh Or measure The depth you Have to go To recover Those treasures? Only some With a kindred spirit Can directly gauge What others can never Find No matter how hard They look Pretend and fake They might But it's not theirs Nor will they ever Grasp What comes easily To those few Them Rare as they are I am grateful to For showing me How to disregard The noise Of emptiness And live As I would With no desire Nor care To be Judged By the world And all Its self-appointed Minions ~ Me ------------------------------------------------------------ I have to admit I am a bit under the weather. This year gave me much needed stability in some ways but it has also shaken the ground under my feet in some other ways. One that relates to home and there is some light at the end of the road there finally. And another that relates to one of those rare kindred spirits whom I look up to very much and whose influence has been very much instrumental to my growth in the last many years. I have faith that things will be looking up as we turn the corner of this year and I will be speaking from a happier place... I can only look forward to being there very soon! Monday, November 21, 2022
"How good it is when you have
roast meat or suchlike foods before you, to impress on your mind that this is
the dead body of a fish, this is the dead body of a bird or pig; and again,
that the Falernian wine is the mere juice of grapes, and your purple edged robe
simply the hair of a sheep soaked in shell-fish blood! And in sexual intercourse that it is no
more than the friction of a membrane and a spurt of mucus ejected. How good these perceptions are at
getting to the heart of the real thing and penetrating through it, so you can
see it for what it is! This should be your practice throughout
all your life: when things have such a plausible appearance, show them naked,
see their shoddiness, strip away their own boastful account of themselves. Vanity is the greatest seducer of
reason: when you are most convinced that your work is important, that is when
you are most under its spell." ~ Marcus Aurelius ------------------------------------------------ I don’t really know how to take this piece of advice. On the one hand, I agree. I agree that looking at things in their stark nakedness can help us confront the truth behind them, no matter how uncomfortable or ugly. But on the other hand, the truth can sometimes lie in the pretence itself or in its symbolism, rather than in the material substance. That is why we have such a thing as rituals I would think. The death of a person could be seen as simply the expiry of a body but it is certainly much more than that…? Which is why we have funerals to commemorate the “much more”. Even marriages for that matter celebrate much more than the meeting of bodies. I’m not sure if stripping away the appearances or symbolisms in these cases helps us get to the truth because in a way these appearances construct the truth rather than hide them. Though I suppose it’s easy to get carried away by the appearances of things and make more of them than they really are. Perhaps that is what Aurelius asks us to guard against. Thursday, November 10, 2022
I tend to think about the similarities and differences in cultures quite a bit, as my dear readers should know by now. It was always of interest to me even before I entered academia and I guess it is not a mere coincidence that that is a very integral part of or maybe the thread that runs across all my research now. Recently someone asked me if I have noticed any specific features of cultures on my visit to Dubai but I never really felt like I experienced a Dubai ‘culture’ so to speak. As in I don’t think I had an opportunity to insert myself into a way of life there, for one, and for two, because of the large migrant population, I mostly felt like I was interacting with other Indians, say when I was out shopping or something. But one of these interactions sort of surfaced to my mind when I was thinking about this. This happened in the local church where too I mostly saw Indians or South East Asians. There was something like a fair put up for Mother Mary’s feast. You had to first buy coupons to get whatever you want at the fair. While the rest of my family decided to go for some errand, I felt like having tea. The lady at the coupons told me the tea was one dirham so I got coupons worth two dirhams, for me and my mom. When I went to the actual stall, it turned out that the tea was two dirhams. I told him I had only coupons worth two dirhams but wanted two teas. Maybe I could pay cash for one tea? The chap said there was no need for the additional coupons or for cash and he would give me two teas regardless. This warmed my heart so much! I mean, two dirhams is not much in the scheme of things but it wasn’t about the money for me but this human gesture, that this person went beyond the material exchange to do something purely out of goodness made me feel good. Maybe it reminds me that there are people in the world who are not all about the transactional stuff or about following rules religiously, that human connection means something, that it’s power is still alive… and I like to be reminded of that. Friday, November 04, 2022
I complain too much Or maybe I just Seek for the rightness of things Not satisfied With what the general lot Accept and go Happily or sadly Drifting by I contest and complain I keep asking Why Because you listen Not everyone does Don't I know Which makes you, you And there is none Not a single soul Quite like you But I fear How precious you are So rarely comes to my lips That you will never know Because I only speak In quarrelling tones Telling of what You could do more And so I fear if All this noise Drowns out the sound Of the real thing It can't though? Because real things Are felt, not heard And I do hope You will feel In spite of all the din Of my general laments ~Me Sunday, October 16, 2022
An optimist, as the popular story goes,
is "the fellow who falls from a ten-story building and when he passes the
fifth floor they hear him say: 'Well, so far so good!'" The question of whether one is an
optimist or pessimist pops up now and again. I consider myself a realist which
people might think is a cop-out but I don't think so. I like to or rather I am
compelled to see reality in its own hues instead of making it brighter or bluer
than it is, though I have to admit that my tendency, given that reality itself
is a matter of perspective, is more towards pessimism. If I were falling from
the building I would consider myself dead at the first moment - hehe - though I
suppose if I survived that would be a positively pleasant outcome for me? Would
it not? I don't believe in passively waiting for an outcome though. I guess my
brand of realism or pessimism is all about trying to avert the worst with
action rather than letting it happen. In that sense, I see it as a productive
force than the opposite. Optimism, on the contrary, when it
puts a positive spin on things no matter how they really are or when it turns a
blind eye to them, seems quite toxic to me. There is these days a lot of
general acknowledgement of toxic positivity but I find that in practice it is
extremely difficult to resist it or to question it. Given how much of a premium
society places on cheerfulness, happiness, positivity and the like, even if
with no solid substance. All the bestselling self-help books no doubt point to
this. Anyone trying to question these could seem like a Debbie downer or
mischief-maker or disruptor or anything unsavoury you could think of. Toxic
positivity to my mind is all about maintaining the status quo. Maintaining a
facade that actually is conducive to happiness for some and not for others, not
the people on the margins or fringes. People who are not happy in these conditions
might be accused of trying to prick the balloon of positivity if they were to
voice their feelings about how things really are. Though they would find it
hard to even voice them in a climate where positivity is upheld for its own
sake. Which is why I prefer to be in atmospheres or among people who appreciate
or welcome realism/pessimism/criticism. I see disruption of fake positivity as
a good thing. As something that could pave the way for actual positive things.
Rather than simply adopting a mind-set of positivity because it’s easier or
because one's own position is secure under the status quo. One could put lipstick on an ill person and pretend they are well or one could face up to a true diagnosis even if it's uncomfortable. What works in the long term is anyone's guess. Friday, October 14, 2022
Huan of Chi’i was reading a book at the upper end of the hall; the wheelwright
was making a wheel at the lower end. Putting aside his mallet and chisel,
he called to the Duke and asked him what book he was reading. ‘One that records
the words of the Sages,’ answered the Duke. ‘Are those Sages alive?’ asked the
wheelwright. ‘Oh, no,’ said the Duke, ‘they are dead.’ ‘In that case,’ said the
wheelwright, ‘what you are reading can be nothing but the lees and scum of
bygone men.’ ‘How dare you, a wheelwright, find fault with the book I am
reading. If you can explain your statement, I will let it pass. If not, you
shall die.’ ‘Speaking as a wheelwright,’ he replied, ‘I look at the matter in this
way; when I am making a wheel, if my stroke is too slow, then it bites deep but
is not steady; if my stroke is too fast, then it is steady, but it does not go
deep. The right pace, neither slow nor fast, cannot get into the hand unless it
comes from the heart. It is a thing that cannot be put into rules; there is an
art in it that I cannot explain to my son. That is why it is impossible for me
to let him take over my work, and here I am at the age of seventy still making
wheels. In my opinion it must have been the same with the men of old. All that
was worth handing on, died with them; the rest, they put in their books. That
is why I said that what you were reading was the lees and scum of bygone men.'”
— Chuang Tzu Cited in Oakeshott, Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays, 1962, p.9 Thursday, October 06, 2022
"I could tell you my
adventures—beginning from this morning,” said Alice a little timidly; “but it’s
no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in
Wonderland It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say
that I am not the same person who went home a month ago. The things that
bothered me before seemed so trivial in comparison to what confronted me now,
not because they were trivial in any way, but I realized how trivial they can
be in the grander scheme of things. In one case thankfully it did not lead to
the worst and in another I can only pray that it doesn't. While I cannot speak
of the second as it is not my own matter, the first was a health scare. A
rather minor thing as it turned out but initially when I was really poorly and
my imagination went a bit wild as it is wont to do, as you my dear reader knows
better than anyone else, it struck me how very insignificant, even petty,
everything else can seem if one's body doesn't feel right. I thought about how
people with severe or chronic health problems might be forced to live life and
nothing I was suffering in imagination or in reality could be even close to
that experience. I guess I was also made very vulnerable during this period, exposed to fears and insecurities that were lying dormant in me for a very long time. A bit like a person whose world turned upside down in an earthquake a very long time ago might feel when the earth suddenly seems to shake with tremors. Though one had almost forgotten the shock and horror of that distant time, it all comes tumbling back. But more than that what comes back is a sense of unstable ground, a sense of a shaky foothold in the world, a sense that one is not destined to let go of one's guard or be at ease, a sense that one must forever be conscious of one's place… or one will be reminded yet again. Sunday, September 18, 2022
Monday, September 05, 2022
Finally the day to go home is here... after almost 3 years! With Covid and everything in between there were many days when the very thought of going home seemed so distant, almost impossible, so it feels extra exciting this time. Like my feet can't wait to move. I wish I could just drop home instead of going through the motions of the airport, flight etc. My least favourite part and now even less so with all the new hocus pocus going on. This is also the most long that I have ever been from seeing my family. Though I keep saying home, I don't really mean home the place but rather the people. Home the place will have to wait longer I guess but I am as happy as I can be to just be with my people. The food will bring the place to me anyway :) I can't wait... Monday, August 29, 2022
Sometimes when I try to view things with a more balanced frame of mind, after the first rush of indignation has somewhat cooled down, I start to wonder if there is a design behind things that is far larger and better than my own plans. In hindsight, a lot of things turned out that way. With more distance and wisdom that came with time, I could see that, as they say, I got what I actually needed even if it was not what I wanted! Now too certain things didn't completely go my way and I felt a bit dejected. Then I tried to take a broader view of it and couldn't help but realise that it's again perhaps what I need. Even if not what I want. And the more I take this thought further, the more positive the developments seem. Almost like someone up there thought of a different way for me to reach my destination but because I have a very organised and fixed way of doing everything, just the fact that the linear path I had in mind didn't materialise makes me feel like the universe is really against me. The more I orient my thinking to the idea that the universe is getting me there through a different route, the more I am able to see that alternative path. And I am also able to see why all in all it might even be a better path... if I see it with an open mind. Tuesday, August 23, 2022
I feel like if we are put on this earth to learn hard lessons—I don’t know about you but I sure feel that’s why I am put on this earth ;)—then the lesson I feel I am here to learn is to let go of all attachments, to places, people, things. By nature I tend to get attached to the familiar. If I live in a place long enough, be around a person long enough, have a thing long enough, I get attached. Of course there has to be some substance to it or I won’t get attached in the first place. But once I am, I find it very hard to let go. Even when logically I might know it’s not worth holding onto or that I might have a better place/thing in its place. I don’t feel that way about people. People to my mind are essentially irreplaceable. But there are times where perhaps it is best to let go of them too. It seems to me that I am always put in this position of having to let go because it comes so hard to me. I might like a space a lot and then suddenly for some reason I am expected to give it up. I might like having a person around me and then suddenly they are pulled somewhere else. The more I learn these lessons, the more wary I get of developing attachments. That seems like a way to solve the problem or never experience the lesson. But that’s another problem rather than a solution I guess! Yet I am not sure how to have tentative type of attachments where you hold something dear and yet are okay with letting go of it… I don’t hold anything dear too easily unlike those who do tentative attachments so there is a fundamental difference. But the world at least the way it is today seems more suitable for the tentative types. Nothing is expected to last or stay forever and you just go with the flow. Recently someone said they were like a butterfly and I thought of what I would compare myself to… an oak or banyan tree came to mind! J Monday, August 08, 2022
Browsing through Netflix I found what looked like an interesting movie, An Angel at my Table. New Zealand based. The story of a woman, Janet Frame, who had a difficult upbringing, spent years in a mental asylum, and then finally became New Zealand's premier poet sounded powerful and intriguing. I guess I am always very interested in ‘rags to riches’ stories or stories of real people who lifted themselves up from the very ground to the sky. Not people who had a decent cushion at the start because I believe it is much easier to make 4 out of 2 than to make 2 out of 0. I would know I guess :) I suppose it also makes me happy that there is a possibility for such people… that you can reach somewhere even if you have had the worst of beginnings. It must be even more difficult to find greatness in the arts than in other fields if you don’t have the right background. All in all, I was expecting much from this movie… and it disappointed me in that way. I guess I was expecting a tale of determination, focus, grit, hard work and so on. Whereas what it seemed like from the movie is that it was a series of fortunate accidents and pure luck that led her to success. Sure there was hard work because obviously she had to write those poems and novels to even be recognized. But there are many in the world who write profusely and are never recognized. It almost seemed like the opportunities and accolades came to her doorstep rather than her struggling her way towards them. I am not sure if that was actually the case or if the movie wasn’t able to capture that part. I was curious how she was able to find the will power to write in the mental asylum or how she managed to get her pieces out there in such circumstances—and this was the early 20th century so in some ways communication must have been harder—but that’s never shown. It’s almost like her work gets written and published magically! Another fact I found a bit strange is that Janet is a rather shy, timid, naïve, trusting, non-discerning, submissive person. She seems to be taken in easily by people; it actually gave me anxiety a few times because I was worried she would come to some harm some time. This made me wonder how a person with so little understanding of human nature even though intelligent in general—at least as per what the movie showed—could write books which are supposed to be a lesson of sorts in human nature? I suppose nature poetry which seemed to be her forte might not require it. But when I think about novelists that I like such as Jane Austen or Charles Dickens or Emily Bronte or any of the older classics (those being my favourites), the thing that most strikes me about them is their astuteness and insight into people. Or perhaps I do like authors who show this astuteness and insight. For that matter, I like poems too that have a human nuance about them rather than nature poetry. I guess I have digressed too far from the actual topic, which was the movie. The bottomline is the movie didn’t deliver for me in terms of what I was expecting from it, but it was a great watch for itself even at 2.5ish hours. I guess the movie was more about her descriptive life whereas what I was looking to get closer to was her internal life. Tuesday, August 02, 2022
Two interesting observations today. I have been trying to rework a paper and from past experience I know that making a start on any piece of writing is the hardest part of the whole process for me. I tend to read, read, read papers relating to the topic or that will be useful for my argument to the extent that it feels like a way to productively procrastinate, then I tend to organize, sift and turn the ideas… and finally when it seems like I have exhausted all means of putting it off and I know that I really must start if I am going to have any chance of finishing it by the deadline—in this case I have a serious deadline because I absolutely do not want to work on this when I travel home in September—that is when I finally start. Though I also make a lot of flourishes before I do start. An analogy came to my mind while I was in the middle of some of these flourishes. It is how we make chapatti or roti back home in India. I am not good at making chapatti/roti at all but the people who make it routinely tend to emphasize that it’s all in the kneading. If you knead the dough very well, the chapatti or roti turns out well! And it struck me that all this reading, thinking, organizing, reflecting is the kneading process for me! Now I have an intuition for how much kneading needs to go into it for me to be able to write something remotely coherent. I do not know this consciously which is why I tend to feel guilty wondering if I am wasting time but subconsciously there is something that knows more is required, I am not yet there. I suppose this process might be different for different people just as different people have a different technique for making chapattis/rotis, and some like me, try to follow the rules instead of practising and it doesn’t work out. The second observation relates to my visit to a grocery store. I wanted to get some milk to have a cup of tea while procrastinating on said writing piece. It’s summer over here and very warm these says. I don’t wear a jacket for that reason. When I entered this store, it was like entering a freezer or something. I couldn’t wait till I got out of that place and though I have a habit of browsing around even if I am there to get something specific, I just couldn’t wait to finish my purchase and run out. The cashier was wearing a thick sweater, no surprise. This made me wonder why the place was so cold and the only logical thing I could think of was that that’s their way of keeping veggies etc. fresh maybe. It’s a small store and maybe that is why it gets colder than the large superstores where it’s relatively fine even if they use the same strategy. This made me think about how in certain contexts people tend to do something to maximize returns in a way, if we think of increasing the durability of veggies and stuff as maximization, but in the process they perhaps do something else that damages the outcomes in a more serious way, if one considers that one is driving away customers who might have purchased other things if they could hang around. Sunday, July 17, 2022
The sun does not have to Make a case For its brightness Nor the moon Write proofs Of its beauty The things that stand out For their attributes Must stand for themselves Compel us Move us To give credit To what we Cannot but Lay witness to There is a lesson To learn From these Luminous agents To not argue or contend or justify What is most precious in us For to those who have an eye It must, it has to, be visible And for those who don't No number of arguments Could sufficiently paint A picture of one's merit Just as the blind man Cannot encounter the glory of the sun
or the moon With copious description. ~Me Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Sometimes you wish life would take you on a straight clear certain path. And you wonder, looking around you, why you should be the one to always have to take a circuitous route? Not to say that I believe I am the only one having to do it. In fact some people probably meet dead ends or never ever find the road even. So no. I am not more hard done by than others but like someone famous said, it is our own troubles that we feel the most. It does not matter who else is going through a fire, the pin that pricks you would seem more painful. It is what you are sensing and feeling and undergoing and experiencing and what not. So it does make sense for me to ask this question, why am I always being sent around a bend just when I feel like I could have been put on the straighter road? I feel like giving up the journey or the effort altogether momentarily, and then I remind myself that I managed to reach this point through all sorts of circuitous roads. It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t quick, it wasn’t painless, it was long and hard… but… maybe the point is not to reach the ultimate destination. Maybe the point is to experience this roundabout journey, to experience the difficult twists and turns but to also experience growth in a sense, to experience experiences that would never be available to me on the straight roads. And when I think about it… it is these experiences that really enter into who I am and what I put into my ultimate goals… without these experiences, I wouldn’t really have had anything to say, I wouldn’t really be able to empathise with the experiences of the less fortunate… it is being and walking in those shoes myself that equips me in a way… to see life as so many do… had I always taken the straight path, I might have perhaps been in a much better place, with a much better view… but I doubt I would have the same eyes… and isn’t it the eyes that really make a difference to how well you appreciate the view? Wednesday, July 06, 2022
I wonder if it is a feature of modern life in
general. At times I feel a sense of overriding ambition, a desire to do great
things, achieve great things, find recognition, move ahead of the pack,
maximise my potential etc… and at other times, I want to escape, give up
everything, disappear into the quiet, become invisible, accept that life is
meaningless and everything that comes with it. This mood yo-yos from this to
that in a single day depending on what I choose to focus attention on or what event
is prominent in my mind. Perhaps everyone feels this because we can’t help but
get sucked into the world we live in and we can’t help but wish we didn’t have
to. Sometimes I think about the peaceful folk back in my native place of
Mangalore—perhaps they too aren’t that peaceful anymore—but when I think about
how things used to be in my childhood, the daily rhythm of simply existing and
doing the few things that kept existence going with small enjoyments in
between. Those folks never really bothered with the big questions of what their
life is all about and if they are really meeting its purpose but in living
simply they were defining it in their own way. This simplicity of living is
perhaps lost in our modern worlds. We are not satisfied by just the day-to-day
motions which admittedly do not have that same comforting rhythm… even our
routines are hurried, gathering momentum, catering to the future rather than
the present. The goals we have for the year, what we did, what we could have
done, what we plan to do… we think of everything in terms of performance,
productivity, accomplishment, achievement, not so much about the satisfaction,
the pleasure, the joy in the doing itself. Sometimes I wonder if it’s even
possible to centre our lives around the latter in a world that is constantly
thrusting the former way of being onto you?
I keep thinking about how to attain more balance,
how to be more tranquil in who and where I am, about how to be at peace with
myself and all around me, how to just 'be' perhaps than to 'become'. |